Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Maybe in a few weeks...

Found you!
You signed up on July 5, 2007
You are #14232 on the list.
2244 people are ahead of you in line.
17904 people are behind you in line.
37% of the list has been invited so far

I am very IMpatiently awaiting my Ravelry invite. Boy, what a marketer's dream that Ravelry is. The talk of the knitblogosphere, over 30,000 interested knitters, the distracted knitter's next excuse. Wish I'd thought of it. Can't wait to get in.


Julie McC. said...

For what it's worth, I'm one of the 17904 behind you. It was the peer pressure. Those 30,000 knitbloggers, you know.

TeaandCakes said...

It's soooo worth the wait, it's great.
If you want to get prepared a good plan is to get pictures of your stash taken and uploaded to Flickr so that once your invite comes through you can just pop them all in quickly.